Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Operation Wingman Reflections

Over Labor Day weekend, a group of students traveled to Gulf Shores for "Operation Wingman."  In Metamorphosis we have learned that one of the biggest obstacles to change is finding new friends who will come alongside of you and help you transform your life.  Often times the decision to change your life means starting over with friends or at least taking a break from certain people who aren't helpful with life change. Operation Wingman was a weekend for those who were interested in learning how to be THAT friend as well as for those who need that friend.  Tropical Storm Lee decided to attend the weekend and it was a perfect analogy for overcoming and enduring the storms of life.  We had a blast.  We worshipped in the midst of the storm --literally!


  1. Wingman has been an incredible time of worship!

  2. Whatever your struggling with, you never the only one! Never give up and never think your alone!

  3. For the past 4 to 5 years, I've been struggling with drugs, alcohol, depression, and anxiety. It's been a long hard road, but with the help of Christ, Metamorphasis, and my family, I've finally made it out of that dark place. I've found the light I've always needed. That light is God. I used to be totally against religion and thought it was all a bunch of crap. I always tried to do everything MY WAY. That obviously wasn't working for me, and I finally hit rock bottom in my life and had nowhere to turn to except for the church. That was the best decision I've ever made in my life. I'm now 8 days sober and feel stronger than ever. I've felt a drastic change in my life since I accepted God into my heart. It's so amazing. A lot of people are posting anonymously, but I'm not scared to share my name. I'm Arjun, and I'm proud of where I am in life now and I know that I'm only going to progress from here. I have the hope, faith, and love that I've always wanted. This is just the start to an awesome life that I know I have ahead of me. Everyone from the group and the church has been a great help in my time of need. I appreciate it so much. I can know finally say I'm a changed person and I'm ready to see what God has in store for me.

  4. Before this weekend I thought I was pretty open about how weak and fragile my sinful nature really makes me, but I wasn't. Before this weekend I hid the darkest parts of my sinful nature from my brothers and sisters, but now I really have realized that there's folks that care enough to love me in my weakness and even more importantly a God who in love is ready to conform me into His image. Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity, Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity. Bread of Heaven broken for me. Cup of Salvation held out for me.

  5. Memories of hurtful events in my life are my triggers, They cause me to have a hard time forgiving. In result of me not being able to forgive and live in the future, i become distant and cold not only towards the people that have apologized several times, but also God. Operation Wingman has really made a difference. The book "The way out" can help you with ALL life's problems. Even though i am in the process of opening my heart fully to God, these passed two days of reading this book and praying has made a difference of a life time.

  6. Arjun,

    Praise God who answers all our prayers. Your belief in God is a true answer to prayer. Open your arms wide you will not be able to hold all the blessings that are in store for you when you are living a life that honors God. There may be difficult times ahead of you, but your God is greater than anything this world can throw at you. Just remember people are still praying for you as you start down the wonderful road ahead of you as you live for God. Let His love carry you through all your difficult times. Prayer is the answer to all difficulties in our lives, let people know of your needs so they can be praying.
