Monday, March 28, 2011

The Way Out

What controls your life?  At some point we all face the realization that we make dumb decisions that go against what we know to be right.  That point of realization comes at different times for different people but when it comes to you, you have a choice to make.  You can choose to keep doing what you've always done or you can choose the only way to truly change your life.  There is only one way to totally break free from a life where mistakes, bad decisions, and selfish motives are the driving force of your life.  The God who created you has provided a way out that leaves you with the ability to overcome your sinful nature.  That way is Jesus.  Jesus, being the Son of God, came to live among us a very long time ago.  While here on Earth he died as a sacrifice to pay the price for our sin.  For those who make the choice to follow him and put their faith in him, God makes them a new person.  He changes you from the inside out and then helps you live each day making the right decisions if you will make the choice to trust him and rely on His power.  No longer are you controlled by selfishness but instead you can live each day with the power of God that He chooses to give you because of his neverending grace.  He doesn't make you into a puppet.  You still have your free will even after you make the decision to follow God's way out.  It's definitely a journey worth taking.  Have you made that choice?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Honesty really the best policy?

Transforming a life takes hard core honesty with yourself, with others and with God. When manipulation and deception have become a way of life it takes honesty to break the cycle.  Dishonesty can take many forms.  In the midst of dishonesty, we convince ourselves that it is the only choice that we have.  The truth is that we always have a choice to be honest.  That DOESN'T mean that being honest will always be rewarding.  Honesty can lead to pain and broken relationships.  But it can also lead to forgivenss and restored relationships.  In the end, a lifestyle of honesty will transform your life. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How did I get here?

If you've ever found yourself in a situation that you thought you'd never be in, you probably spent your time wondering how you can fix things or get out of trouble. Before you can find a way out, you need to think about what got you there in the first place. So, think about it. What's your story?