Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Honesty really the best policy?

Transforming a life takes hard core honesty with yourself, with others and with God. When manipulation and deception have become a way of life it takes honesty to break the cycle.  Dishonesty can take many forms.  In the midst of dishonesty, we convince ourselves that it is the only choice that we have.  The truth is that we always have a choice to be honest.  That DOESN'T mean that being honest will always be rewarding.  Honesty can lead to pain and broken relationships.  But it can also lead to forgivenss and restored relationships.  In the end, a lifestyle of honesty will transform your life. 


  1. I was abused by a family member and went to my parents to tell them about it. They didn't believe me. Even worse, they forced me to continue to be around my abuser. I felt so betrayed and frustrated that I decided that if they wouldn't believe me in this big thing then I wouldn't worry about telling them the truth in anything.

    I had a choice. I had been in church and Sunday School my whole life, but in one second I made the wrong choice. For several years I chose to rebel against my parents. Lying was my "drug" of choice.

  2. Honesty can hurt. It may not always be the fun thing to do, but it is the best. We often excuse our lies by saying, "It's not hurting anyone" or, "It's just a little white lie!" .... But when you think about it, those little white lies may change the entire outcome of your life, or someone else's life.
