Monday, October 22, 2012

"The Way Out" It's finally here.

After 4 years of writing, editing, reading, talking, praying, thinking..... the book is finally published.  Many thanks to those of you who read the early manuscripts, shared your stories and encouraged me that this book was needed.  If you know someone who needs to change their life, please let them know the book is out there.  Or, better yet, buy one and give it to them and share your story along with it.

You can find the book by clicking this link.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

After taking the summer off, Metamorphosis will start back meeting on August 14, 2012 @ 7:00 pm.  Look around your world and see who needs to know that there is a way out of destructive habits or painful memories.  Invite them to come August 14th.  See you then.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Key To Staying OUT

Changing your life is more than just a one time decision.  It is waking up every day and making choices that are consistent with your decision to change your life.  You cannot serve two masters.  If life change is what you want, you have to make hard decisions.  You must purge your life of everything that hinders you. That's hard, I know.  Those things in your past are comfortable and convenient.  A new life may be lonely and awkward.  It's really just a question of what do you want. Colossians 1:13 says that "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

He will give you clarity in life decisions.  He will give you strength to live a life worthy of the gift He has given you.  He will give you endurance for the journey.  But, He will NOT make you do it against your own will.  The choice is yours to make every day. You will not stay out of darkness if you choose to leave one foot in your past life and one foot in your new life.  You cannot serve two masters.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Operation Wingman Reflections

Over Labor Day weekend, a group of students traveled to Gulf Shores for "Operation Wingman."  In Metamorphosis we have learned that one of the biggest obstacles to change is finding new friends who will come alongside of you and help you transform your life.  Often times the decision to change your life means starting over with friends or at least taking a break from certain people who aren't helpful with life change. Operation Wingman was a weekend for those who were interested in learning how to be THAT friend as well as for those who need that friend.  Tropical Storm Lee decided to attend the weekend and it was a perfect analogy for overcoming and enduring the storms of life.  We had a blast.  We worshipped in the midst of the storm --literally!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Don't Give Up

Today is a sad day. A friend gave up on life and now hearts are broken. Life-change can be hard and overwhelming. Please remember that you are never alone. Remember that there is always a way out of despair. You are loved. There is a future even if you can't see or imagine it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Triggers are the First Shots Fired in the Battle

A trigger is anything or anyone who causes you to think about your struggle in a way that tempts you to fall back into your old habits.  Most of us think we can handle whatever life brings our way.  We even think this despite having failed so many times in our past.  For some reason, we believe that THIS TIME things will be different.  So, we put ourselves in situations where triggers find us.  And, we are unprepared for the battle that rages within ourselves.  Yes, that's right.  It's a battle.  If you've had that debate inside your head that goes something like this: "If I do, then ....  Or If I don't, then ..." you probably can recognize it as a battle.  What you may not have realized is that the battle is real.  It's not "just in your head."  If you believe that God is working in your life to bring about transformation, then consider that His enemy is working to sabotage your transformation.  Ponder the times you've messed up when you thought for sure you could handle it. If you walk into battle alone, refusing or ignoring God's help, then you are leaving your fate to your own strength.  You might win some battles but you will eventually lose the war. No man alone is powerful to overcome the enemy every time.  So what about you?  Do you recognize the triggers in your life?  What are you doing about them?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Real Change

If your life seems like the popular song from the last decade of "oops I did it again" then you're probably not experiencing real change.  The problem is you are "trying" to change instead of really changing.  Sometimes we try to change our life but the motivation is to avoid the consequences of our habits rather than a deep desire for a new life. The old adage of "fake it till you make it" eventually stops keeping you out of trouble because it doesn't lead to a change on the inside.  Your actions in life stem from your heart, mind and soul.  Unless those things change, there won't be any real life change . . . only fake changes that may please those around you for a while.

Real change happens when your heart, soul and mind learn to love God.  Here are a few things to think about.

HEART -  Spend time getting to know God and you will love him.  Talk to him (prayer), Read his message to you (the Bible), Listen to Him (be still and listen)

SOUL - Stop living on impulse and instead listen to your soul ("aka "conscious" "little voice in your head") telling you what the right choices are for your life.  Then . . . make the right choice.

MIND - Ask God to help you control your thought life.  Don't indulge or linger when your mind takes you to dark places.  Think good thoughts.

STRENGTH - DON'T GIVE UP!  Don't give up when you get uncomfortable, feel awkward, get bored or face a temptation.  Ask God for strength to live transformed in every situation. 

Jesus said the most important thing for you to do is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind."  He knew this was the path to transformation.